I met this family when I photographed Adelle as a newborn. It so happens they are good friends with an old boyfriend from high school and they found me on Facebook through him. I seriously love Facebook. I would not have met them otherwise and I truly would have missed out. As we chatted during the newborn session, I felt I had been friends with Adelle’s mom for ages. She is such a lovely person; so warm and kind and clever w/ words, which I love about her. We share some similar mommy experiences that bring us even closer together. I loved seeing them again for Adelle’s 6 month session. Adelle is as sweet as they come and was full of smiles and giggles. I’m sure her mommy has something to do with it 🙂
PS: awesome bloomers, necklace and headband custom made by Kali Michon Custom Clothing. Find her at www.kalimichon.etsy.com or www.facebook.com/kalimichon.